On September 27-28, 2018, in Lima, Peru, the Whitney R. Harris World Law Institute, in conjunction with the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP), the Swiss Embassy, and the Coalition for the International Criminal Court, hosted a Latin America and the Caribbean Region Workshop on the ILC’s Draft Articles on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes Against Humanity.
The workshop included approximately 28 distinguished participants, including members of the International Law Commission, distinguished judges and lawyers from the region, academics and members of civil society, and featured a discussion by Special Rapporteur Sean Murphy on the ILC Draft Articles and a keynote address by H.E. Judge Patrick Robinson of the International Court of Justice, amongst others.

Harris Institute Director Leila Sadat, Professor Elizabeth Salmón (PUCP), Christoph Sommer (Counselor and Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of Switzerland), and Michelle Reyes Milk (CICC) (Left)
The event was preceded by a workshop open to the general public that also featured interventions by Dr. Elizabeth Salmon, from PUCP, Hugo Relva (from Amnesty International), Dr. Michelle Reyes (CICC Regional Director and PUCP faculty member) and Professors Leila Sadat and Sean Murphy. The Swiss Embassy graciously provided interpretation on both dates.