Have you accepted a post-graduate position within the government? If you have, you may benefit from a fellowship with the Public Rights Project (PRP). PRP will host two informational webinars for individuals who are interested in learning more about their Affirmative Leaders Fellowship. The fellowship exists to help state and local government offices expand their capacity to do affirmative litigation by focusing on their current staff. The informative webinars are geared toward potential applicants and will explain the program in detail. They take place: 

  • Thursday, February 13, 2020 at 9:30am (PT)
  • Wednesday, February 26, 2020 at 12pm (PT)

To register to attend a webinar, please click here. During each webinar, there will be a brief overview of the Public Rights Project as well as the fellowship program, and there will be time allocated for Q&A. Joining via computer is best for viewing presentation slides.

To submit a question in advance, please email fellows@publicrightsproject.org