Do you want to work in the private firm sector but prefer a small firm over a large firm? A boutique law firm is a small to medium-sized firm that typically offers legal services in select or niche practice areas. The majority of boutique law firms will be litigation-focused with a particular specialty such as high-impact plaintiff’s class action, appellate litigation, or major intellectual property disputes.


Being at a boutique firm sounds great but where do you even start to look for them? Researching boutique firms is trickier than researching big law firms and will require a bit more time. A great place to start if you want to see the top 25 “best” boutique litigation specialty firms in the country is Vault Law. From the main page navigate to “Explore Law Rankings”→ “Best Law Firms by Practice Area” →”Litigation Specialty”.

If you want to search for boutique firms by state or city, BCG Attorney Search provides a comprehensive list of the best firms in a particular city or state that are ranked as a Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 firm. Tier 1 firms tend to be the most powerful and well-known firms nationally and in a given market (i.e. big law firms). Typically Tier 2 law firms will work for major, national clients and also middle market to smaller companies. A Tier 3 law firm outside of a major national market may be among the top law firms in its market. The best law firms in smaller markets tend to be Tier 3 law firms.

Perhaps one of the best ways to discover and learn about boutique firms in a particular city is by word of mouth from the surrounding legal community. Use current legal connections to discuss firm reputation in the area and search for new legal connections via LinkedIn. WashULaw alums are great resources and  will have insight into reputable smaller firms in a particular city. Consider also joining a local bar association and making attorney connections via CLEs, annual meetings, etc.

In addition to the above resources you can always reach out to the Career Center at for help finding boutique firms in a particular city!


Some boutique firms may have open positions on listed on their website but many will not. Boutique firms MAY have job postings on LinkedIn, Indeed, Attorney Jobs in the USA, and PSJD. If there is a firm that interests you but you don’t see any job openings, you may consider reaching out to an attorney at the firm to introduce yourself and ask for an informational meeting. Developing connections at a smaller firm is a great way for you to not only get to know more about the firm but also to potentially be on the firm’s short list of candidates when they are looking to hire.