An effective way to keep yourself on track with your overall job search is to use and be strategic with your own calendar. First, be sure to calendar upcoming OCI and bidding dates and times (the Career Center has done this for you). Both on-campus and off-campus interview programs will operate in the Central Time Zone. Next, invite yourself to work on your applications and job search through your calendar invite function. Approach completing job applications through the reoccurring events function on your Outlook calendar. Invite yourself to dedicated blocks of time, maybe on Saturday and Sunday of each week during the summer, and then attend your meeting with yourself! During your calendared meeting with yourself, read our blog, check Symplicity, enter new events and deadlines in your calendar, and set a goal for the number of applications, the number of informational meeting requests, etc. By putting these dedicated blocks of time on your calendar, it will help you hold yourself accountable. Applying and networking takes time, and carving out the necessary work time is easier and more assured when you schedule it in advance on your calendar.