

Winter Break is a time to recharge, but it is also a critical time to put your job search into high gear. The Career Center has some advice on how to make the most of your Winter Break.

1.) Recalibrate and Assess

The change in your daily rhythm gives you the ability to reassess your career goals and your approach to the job search. Take advantage of the clarity and your new vantage point. Schedule a virtual meeting or phone call with the Career Center to strategize on the next steps in your job search.

2.) Develop Alumni Connections

Informational meetings are a wonderful way to learn about different practice areas and legal markets and to begin growing your professional network, especially when it is with a WashULaw alum. Martindale-Hubbell and LinkedIn can be helpful tools to identify possible alumni connections. You can also reach out to the Career Center; strategists can help you identify alumni to reach out to or connect with. This Winter Break you can also take advantage of Quick Counsel. Modeled after the Summer Virtual Networking Program, this program provides the opportunity for you to sign up for a 10-minute informational meeting with practicing attorneys. Read more about the program here, and sign up for a spot on Symplicity.

3.) Meet with a Peer Career Advisor

Peer Career Advisors are available during Winter Break to meet with you to discuss application strategy, networking, and more. Please reach out to them individually via email to set up a virtual meeting. They are happy to help you!

4.) Attend Employer and Bar Association Events

With the temporary pause on in-person events, many employers and local bar associations are hosting virtual receptions or informational events to give you the opportunity to learn more and to meet their attorneys. Read the blog and check Symplicity for opportunities to connect with employers virtually over Winter Break. You can also check out your target employer and local bar association websites for free webinars and CLEs.

5.) Edit and Update Your Resume, Cover Letter and Writing Sample

The break is a great time to ensure you have included your most recent job experience and law school activities in your resume and cover letter and to perfect your writing sample. Updating your documents now is a simple way to be prepared for when the perfect position comes along. If you need help editing your materials, make an appointment through Symplicity to speak with a Career Center strategist.

6.) Apply, Apply, Apply!

Now is the time to send out applications. The more jobs you apply for, the better your chances of landing your dream position. How many applications should send out over Winter Break?  We suggest targeting 25 applications per week (i.e., 3-4 per day) until you have an offer in hand.

Want more ideas on how to game plan for your Winter Break? Reach out to the Career Center to strategize. We are here all of Winter Break!

The Benesch Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Virtual Reception | 1.5.21

The Benesch Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Recruiting Committee invites you to join them for a virtual reception! RSVP by January 4th to attend the even the following day.

The recruiting committee will share invaluable tips and advice for resume writing and interview preparation as you prepare for your 1L summer job search. Additionally, the event will provide details on the Benesch 1L Diversity Fellowship, and, you’ll have the opportunity to hear from two of our previous 1L Fellows about their experiences in the program.

Event details:

  • RSVP by January 4th
  • January 5th 11:30 A.M. – 12:30 P.M. CT


Looking for a practitioner’s perspective on your career question? Hoping to hone your virtual interaction skills over Winter Break? Working to expand your network? Join us for Quick Counsel, a virtual opportunity to connect with a practicing attorney for insights from the employer’s side.  Whether it is a resume fast pass, a strategy inquiry, or a new connection, make it happen by requesting a 10-minute appointment with our Quick Counsel hosts.


  • Variety of hosts – there is a connection for everyone no matter your career goals
  • Minimal time commitment – 10-minute appointment slots
  • RSVP through Symplicity – Quick Counsel sessions are listed under the “events” tab

Once you RSVP, the Career Center will contact you with next steps to confirm a 10-minute appointment slot. Questions on the program? Email Alison Smith at

Current hosts are listed below. Check back often for additions!

FitBit (San Francisco, CA)Dec. 29 at
WillmerHale (Washington, D.C.)Jan. 5 at

Find Opportunities During Winter Break

You know it’s time to launch into your winter job search, but do you know where to begin? An excellent place to start is Symplicity. In it you will find excellent public and private opportunities.

Follow these simple directions to log into Symplicity and see what interests you.


Reminder! “Quick Counsel” Open Slots Available | RSVP in Symplicity

Looking for a practitioner’s perspective on your career question? Hoping to hone your virtual interaction skills over Winter Break? Working to expand your network? Join us for Quick Counsel, a virtual opportunity to connect with a practicing attorney for insights from the employer’s side.  Whether it is a resume fast pass, a strategy inquiry, or a new connection, make it happen by requesting a 10-minute appointment with our Quick Counsel hosts.


  • Variety of hosts – there is a connection for everyone no matter your career goals
  • Minimal time commitment – 10-minute appointment slots
  • RSVP through Symplicity – Quick Counsel sessions are listed under the “events” tab

Once you RSVP, the Career Center will contact you with next steps to confirm a 10-minute appointment slot. Questions on the program? Email Alison Smith at

Current hosts are listed below. Check back often for additions!

Legal Services of Eastern Missouri
(St. Louis, MO)
Dec. 16th at 2pm
Assistant US Attorney Eastern District of Texas (Beaumont, TX)Dec. 18 at
FitBit (San Francisco, CA)Dec. 29 at
WillmerHale (Washington, D.C.)Jan. 5 at

Recruiting: What is Bidding? How do I Do it?

Before you bid watch THIS.

What is bidding?
“Bidding” simply means applying. Beginning with the bid opening date, you will be able to apply to participating OCI employers by uploading and attaching your documents through Symplicity.

  1. Log in to Symplicity > OCI > Scheduling > Select the session you are bidding for from the “Session” drop down > Select “Review” next to the employer you wish to bid on.
  2. Select the correct resume, cover letter, transcript, etc. to attach to your bid from the drop down menus.
  3. Click on the “Apply” button to submit your bid for that employer. (NOTE: Symplicity will not allow you to bid for an employer unless you have uploaded all documents required by that employer.)  If the “Apply” button does not appear, you are missing documents required by the employer.
  4. You must rank every employer you bid for within each Session. You should rank your first choice employer “1,” your second choice “2,” etc.  (Rankings can only be viewed by the Career Center.  Employers will not know the order in which you ranked them). 

How and where do I upload documents?
All documents required by the employer must be uploaded to Symplicity before you will be allowed to place your bids. It is best to upload resumes and cover letters with distinctive names (i.e., Husch Cover Letter, Legal Aid Chicago Resume, etc.). All documents are uploaded to the “Documents” tab in your Symplicity account, so you must label them carefully and make certain to select the correct document when you attach it to a bid. These documents are all saved in both their original format and the PDF converted form. Please review the PDF format to ensure that it looks as it should.  Because the PDF will be the version sent out to employers, make changes to the original and re-save if necessary. Once you have uploaded your documents under the “Documents” tab, go to the “OCI” tab to actually place your bids for the employers.

What application materials are required?
Each employer individually selects the application materials it requires. All employers will require a resume. Many employers will require additional documents, including a cover letter, transcript, writing sample, and/or references. If an employer does not require a cover letter, you have the option of submitted a cover letter by creating a two-page resume, with your cover letter as the first page and your resume as the second. All documents, including cover letters, must be uploaded to Symplicity and submitted to each employer to which you wish to apply by the close of bidding. For help with preparing your cover letters and resume, schedule a time with a Career Center staff member via Symplicity.

What should I submit when an employer requires a transcript?
As a general rule, when employers request a transcript, students must always use an official transcript ordered through the University Registrar. 2Ls and 3Ls applying prior to the release of grades should submit an official transcript with a Grade Sheet Addendum in the approved from found here. 1Ls applying prior to the release of grades should submit a Grade Sheet in the approved form found here. The approved forms contain example schedules. You will need to modify the approved forms to reflect your actual courses, schedule and your anticipated course schedule. All students must apply with an official transcript as soon as you have received your final grades. Any grade sheet that deviates from the approved forms must be approved by the Office of Student Life.  

Is there an advantage to bidding early?
While there is no advantage to bidding early (employers will receive all resumes at one time when bidding closes), please do not wait until the last minute. The Symplicity system can become slow when inundated with last minute bidders (wireless connections can also slow down the process).

How do I make changes to my bid?
Changes can only be made while bidding is open. If you need to make changes to your bid before bidding closes, you can delete your bid by changing the bid status to “no bid”, making the desired changes to your documents, and then bidding again.

Will OCI be virtual or in-person?
If you are selected for an interview, you will be notified by email. You will sign up for interview slots through Symplicity. Employers have the option to interview in-person or virtually. The location of your interview (in-person room number or virtual link) will be provided in Symplicity after you have signed up for an interview slot.

Career Center & OISS Summer 2021 Q&A for International Students | 12.15

Join Claire Seely, International Student and Scholar Advisor in WashU’s OISS, and Alison Smith, Assistant Director of Placement in the Career Center, Tuesday, December 15th at 8am CT for a Q&A Discussion on Summer 2021 Work Opportunities for International Students. Combining the expertise of OISS and the Career Center, the Q&A Session aims to serve as a one stop shop for strategy and work authorization questions.  

Pymetrics: O’Melveny’s Approach to Diverse Hiring

To address their diversity, inclusion, and equity efforts,
O’Melveny has taken a new approach: through game-like testing. The assessment tool, called Pymetrics, is intended to increase the number of diverse candidates and summer hires.

WashULaw students are encouraged to practice using the tool in advance of OCI. Preparing ahead of time will boost familiarity and decrease stress.

Learn more about Pymetrics here and here as well as O’Melveny’s Diversity Fellowship.