Greetings from Southwest University of Political Science and Law (SWUPL), Chongqing,  P.R.  China!

We are very pleased to host the 2018 Experience SWUPL Summer Program for international students. The purpose of the program  is to promote  partnership  between  SWUPL and our partner  universities.

You may find  the  program  schedule  attached  to this email. The program  will  be delivered  in English with combinations   of  lectures,  seminars,  interactivities,   field  trips  related  to  Chinese legal system,  economy, society, language and culture  etc.

We will  provide your  students  with  free  accommodation,   food  allowance  and transportation    between  our campus and the airport  during  the  program.  We will also cover your students’  local transportation    related to the  activities  organized  by our  university.  The tuition  fee for the  courses provided  in the  program  will be waived.  Participants  will  need to  cover  their  airfare  and other  personal  expenses.   According  to  the Regulations of the  Ministry   of  Education  in China, it is  compulsory  for  international   students  coming  to study in China having International   Health and Accident  Insurance. The expenses for the  insurance will  be covered by our universltv.

The program will  start  on May 22 and finish  on May 31, 2018.  We look forward  to meeting  you in May in Chongqing!

More information can be found via Symplicity #20179