In lieu of receptions this year, employers from across the country host events for law students each week. And each week, law students across the country make the mistake of not attending.

It may seem, because there are so many events happening, like your attendance at online events isn’t essential. No one would know if you were or weren’t there. Why bother? It’s just another Zoom.

These are tempting rationalizations, but employers do take notice. They take attendance. They read your cover letter. They interview and ask “why apply to them?” An easy way to stand out in each of these instances is to sign on. An employer is much more likely to choose candidates who took genuine interest in their efforts to connect than on those students who didn’t.

So, when looking at the lists of events in Symplicity and those in the blog, RSVP yes! When you’re interviewing, you’ll be glad you did.