Interested in exploring a career in international law but don’t know where to start? We are here to help!

An amazing organization that all students interested in practicing international law should become familiar with and involved in is the American Society of International Law (“ASIL”). WashULaw is a proud academic partner of ASIL and as a result of this partnership, all current students are eligible to receive free ASIL student membership renewable annually during your academic enrollment. To sign-up for a student membership, students should visit at, click on the “JOIN ASIL” link and follow the process. Instructions for students will be presented. Note that you must use your wustl email address to sign up. As a student member some of the benefits include but are not limited to:

  • access to ASIL’s job board;
  • access to ASIL’s four flagship publications: the world-renowned American Journal of International Law; the timely International Legal Materials; the Society’s Annual Meeting Proceedings; and the Society’s Quarterly ASIL Newsletter;
  • FREE registration at the ASIL Midyear Meeting in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – November 9-11, 2023 and free registration for 5 students at the Annual Meeting in DC; and
  • Access to countless video resources, podcasts, virtual events, etc.

ASIL will also be presenting a two-part virtual workshop on October 16th and October 18th for our students who are interested in pursuing a career in international law. The October 16th  presentation will focus on “Strengthening Your Job Search” for international law positions and the October 18th presentation will focus on “Sharpening your Application Skills.” These workshops will cover steps that all students can take to help stand out in the search for an international law job including:

  • Targeted job searching
  • Identifying appropriate international experiences
  • Pursuing valuable volunteer opportunities
  • Membership in professional organizations

General Resources for Finding International Internships:

The following organizations frequently update their websites with opportunities in international law for students and recent graduates. Click on any of the links below to view the organizations’ list of internship and/or job postings.

Public Service JD (the premiere online public service job database that connects public interest law job-seekers with job opportunities including international public service opportunities). To search for international opportunities, select a specific practice area, i.e. “International Human Right,” under the “Legal Areas” section of the search option.

Additionally, below are a few federal organizations to look into that have a high concentration of international work:

For additional resources for exploring a career in international law please reach out to schedule an appointment with Laura Bannish.