Off- Campus | MCGC | Bidding is open | Deadline 6.30 @ noon CST

Register to view employers and research participating employers. Registration is approved on a rolling 24hr basis. Register early to avoid rushing.

Off-Campus | NEIP | Bidding opens 6.20

Pre-Register for the New England Interview Program HERE. More details will follow.

On- Campus | Virtual Interview Program I (VIP I) | Bidding opens 6.20 | View employers today!

Log into Symplicity > OCI > Scheduling > Select “2021 VIP I from the drop down menu to view employers

Create a running spreadsheet that will include OCI sessions, deadlines, employers, and materials you will need to bid. This will help once you have had your materials reviewed, stamped with approval and your grades to easily bid. You can schedule to meet with someone in the Career Center to help you with your individualized OCI strategy. We are here all summer to assist.