Legal employers of all types are actively recruiting for their summer 2021 intern classes outside of OCI.  If you are a 2L, now is the time to be actively networking and applying to your target employers.  1Ls, to the extent you are looking for a break from studying, there are summer 2021 internship opportunities for you as well.  It is more important than ever to cast a broad net.  Think about how you can expand your search in a way that aligns with your long-term goals.  The Career Center’s OCI and off-campus programs should comprise only a small portion of your overall job search.  If you have not spoken with a Career Center strategist to plan your summer 2021 job search, make an appointment via Symplicity to do so now. 

ProgramBidding OpensBidding ClosesInterview Dates
Virtual Fall OCI 3
Virtual Fall OCI 4
Winter OCI
(1Ls & 2Ls)
MCGC Off Campus
Virtual Program (2Ls) February
SEMW Off Campus
Program (2Ls)
TBDTBDEarly February
New England
Interview Program

*All dates are tentative and subject to change. Check the Symplicity homepage for definitive dates.