Crime Victims Justice Corps Seeking Law Students

The Crime Victims Justice Corps, an initiative designed to increase access to civil legal assistance and enforce the rights of crime victims, is now recruiting law students for the summer of 2019. Law students apply directly to the legal services organization of their choice, and a list of organizations hosting CJVC law students can be found on our website. Some organizations have position descriptions posted, while others are in the process of finalizing and posting them. Encourage students to continue to check our website throughout the next month or reach out directly to the organization for more information. All participating students will receive a $3,200 stipend. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.

For any additional questions, please contact Linda Downing at

Veterans Legal Corps Seeking Law Students 

The Veterans Legal Corps (VLC), formerly known as AmeriCorps JD, helps low-income and homeless veterans secure access to income, housing, employment, and health care. Law students serve at legal services organizations across the country and receive an educational award of $1,200 for completion of 300 hours of service. The application is currently open and more details can be found here

For additional questions, please email Selena Hunn at