by Kim Bolourtchi, Director of Professional Development

One of the most dreaded interview questions of all time is: “Tell me about yourself.”

Do you draw a blank? Ramble on while you try and find a compelling answer on the fly? Talk way too long about things that probably don’t matter all that much? Stop talking and wonder what you just said? If so, you are not alone. Most of us have been there. This question can lead to excruciating, awkward answers.

Having a well constructed, AUTHENTIC Professional Pitch is a POWERFUL solution. If you haven’t created and mastered your pitch, don’t wait any longer.

Join me on Wednesday, January 31, 2018 from 12:15- 1 pm in ABH 403 and learn how to share your story in a way that is concise and compelling.

The formula?
1. A quick background about yourself
2. Your strengths
3. Your “why” or passion, and
4. Your goals

Bring your strengths quest results, or a brainstormed list of your strengths, and get ready to create your pitch! Your Professional Pitch will be useful not only in interviews, but in a wide variety of professional settings. It is a cornerstone of your professional success, and the sooner you have it, the better. For 1L’s!