Winter Break is a great time to recharge, but it is also a critical time to put your job search into high gear. Here are a few ideas on how to make the most of your Winter Break.

 Schedule a virtual meeting or phone call with the Career Center to strategize on the next steps or how to begin your job search.

Setting an informational meeting is a wonderful way to learn about different practice areas and legal markets and to begin growing your professional network, especially when it is with a WashULaw alum. 
West Legal Directory and LinkedIn can be helpful tools to identify possible alumni connections. You can also reach out to the Career Center; strategists can help you identify alumni to reach out to or connect with. 

Peer Career Advisors are available during Winter Break to meet with you to discuss application strategy, networking, and more. Please reach out to them individually via email to set up a virtual meeting. They are happy to help you!

Attend employer and bar association events. These events give you the opportunity to learn more and to meet practicing attorneys. Check out this up to date list of employer hosted events and check Symplicity for opportunities to connect with employers virtually and in-person over Winter Break. You can also check out your target employer and local bar association websites for free webinars and CLEs.