As a fresh new 1L, or a seasoned 2L or 3L, setting up an informational meeting is a fantastic, low-pressure, way for an attorney to pass on any advice or wisdom about the legal field or their practice area. Right now, you are uniquely positioned to ask questions of everyone around you, and setting up an informational meeting with a practicing attorney is a great place to start. In general, attorneys cannot offer you a job on the spot, and this is not the time to ask for a job, but you should put your best foot forward and you can make it clear that you are interested in their geographic location or firm. The goal of your meeting is to gain a deeper understanding of the legal market in your desired location and narrow down which practice area(s) you want to pursue. Let us help you put your best foot forward! You can find an Informational Meeting Guide on the intranet (along with several other useful guides!) and make an appointment  to discuss how to set up an informational meeting and what to ask during your quick, 15-20 minute, conversation with the attorney!