Interested in on-the-ground courtroom and mediation experience? Metropolitan St. Louis Equal Housing & Opportunity Council (EHOC), United States Arbitration & Mediation (US A&M), and the Washington University School of Law Civil Rights & Community Justice Clinic administer the mediation program at the Friday pro se housing court dockets in STL City circuit court at the Civil Courts Building downtown, and are looking for interested volunteers to participate. If you are interested, please attend an upcoming training at the law school, consisting of: 1) A one-hour informational session on Missouri landlord-tenant law and mediation procedure and strategy; and 2) A one-hour practice session where you will mock mediate at least one mediation. Please email Sam Stragand at to express your interest in attending a training. Trainings are scheduled for Feb. 14, 10 AM -12 PM, and Feb. 16, 2 to 4 PM.