Holiday parties are a fantastic way to expand your network while learning more about the culture of a prospective employer. At the same time, they can be, well, terrifying. While you might be tempted to skip it – do not miss the chance to make these valuable connections. To alleviate some of the uncertainty surrounding the holiday party, here are some tips to help you make a great impression when you go.

1)  RSVP on time.
Some “reply by” dates are already coming up next week, check the CCD blog for a list of holiday parties. If you respond YES, you must attend. If your plans change, you MUST personally contact the party organizer and let them know you will not be able to come after all. DO NOT just fail to show up; they will notice AND remember.

2)  Dress appropriately; the invitation will often tell you the dress code. If it doesn’t, assume it is business attire and wear a suit. If it is cocktail attire, then conservative cocktail or dressier business attire is appropriate.

3)  Prepare a short elevator pitch about yourself. Be ready to talk about who you are, what you are passionate about, and your goals.

4)  Identify a few people you hope to connect with at the party, and do a little research on them. Have questions ready- but keep it light. Remember, it’s their holiday party.

5)  Research the firm and know how they distinguish themselves, along with any noteworthy recent accomplishments.

6)  Keep your body language open, and eyes up and engaged.  Smile.  If you need a break, walk confidently to the restroom, regroup and return.

7)  Talk with people you don’t know as well as those you do.  If you came with friends, do not hang with them the whole time.

8)  Don’t monopolize one person for too long. A simple “it was nice meeting you” or “it was nice talking with you” or “I’ll catch up with you again later” is an easy way to end a conversation. Circulate!

9)  Listen more than you talk. Avoid weighing in on politics, religion, and sex.

10)  If they are serving food /drinks, make sure you keep one hand free so you can shake hands. Also, avoid messy food and throw away your used cocktail napkin promptly.

11)  DO NOT take the edge off with alcohol. If you drink, limit yourself to ONE alcoholic beverage, and drink it slowly.

12)  Stay off your phone / social media. If you need to check a text or voicemail, do it privately.

13)  Keep your business cards in one place for handing out, and put the ones you receive somewhere completely different so you don’t mix them up.

14)  Stay friendly and professional. Everything you say and do is likely being observed by someone.

15)  Circle back to a few key people before the party ends, and reconnect to say thank you and goodbye.

16)  Thank the host.

17)  Re-read tip #11. Please, for your own sake, DO NOT drink too much and be the subject of the story everyone tells until the next holiday party.

18)  AFTER the party, celebrate doing an amazing job at surviving!

19)  Within 24 hours, follow up with anyone you really connected with and want to build into your network. Want help on Thank You emails? Email Kim Bolourtchi and Request the guide!