Faegre Baker Daniels

With over 750 lawyers and consultants in 13 locations in the U.S., U.K. and China, Faegre Baker Daniels is one of the 75 largest law firms headquartered in the U.S. With a commitment to providing exceptional client service, FaegreBD collaborates with clients ranging from startups to multinational corporations to handle the complex transactions, regulatory matters and litigations they face. FaegreBD serves clients in over 85 practice areas and industries while providing candid, client-focused advice.

1L Opportunities

Beginning Dec. 1, 2018, Faegre Baker Daniels will be accepting applications from 1L students for summer associate positions in several of our office locations – Des Moines, Denver, Indianapolis, and Minneapolis. The positions are also posted on Symplicity.

Students may submit materials online at www.FaegreBD.com/1Ljobs. Our application deadline in January 31, 2019. To accommodate law school grading timelines, applicants will be asked to submit a law school transcript later in the application process.

1L Open House

Faegre Baker Daniels’ Minneapolis office will be hosting a 1L open house on Thursday, January 3, 2019. This is an opportunity for first-year law students to plan for their 1L and 2L summers, hear from experienced attorneys about their practice areas, and network with the Minneapolis Hiring Team and attorneys. View all winter networking opportunities HERE.