The legal department of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (New York Fed) will be conducting a Summer Law Clerk Program in 2023.  The ten-week, paid Summer Law Clerk Program is open only to first-year law students. As the program is highly competitive and class size is limited, we are seeking applicants who possess outstanding academic records, evidence of strong research and writing skills, relevant work experience, an interest in and commitment to public sector employment, maturity, and personal achievement. Applications will be accepted at any time on or after Monday, December 12, 2022 via the FRBNY website:

Applications must include a cover letter and résumé.  In addition, all applicants must submit law school transcripts as soon as they are available.  A writing sample is required from candidates invited to interview.  Applicants must be available for videoconference interviews to be conducted during the months of January and February 2023. Because positions will be filled on a rolling basis beginning in January, students are encouraged to submit their applications as early as possible. Regardless, no applications will be accepted after February 15, 2023.  Once all positions are filled, the application portal may be closed prior to February 15, 2023.

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