The law school experience can change you in many ways. One fairly common change, particularly after returning from summer employment, is your practice area preference. You may have rotated through different practice areas during your summer employment and now want to go in a different direction. You may be inspired to change your career objectives based on your new favorite class, your clinic experience or a new mentor you obtained over the summer. Whatever the reason for the change, stop in and tell us about your new interest and long-term goals. We can work on strategy for you based on your new objective. Here are some things you should consider right away if you have changed your career focus:
- Do you need to join a new student organization?
- Do you need to re-work your networking strategy?
- Are you a member of the right practice area sections in the local bar of your city of geographic preference?
- Have you joined the ABA practice area section for your new preference?
- Does your resume reflect your experience or interest in this new practice area?
- Have you updated your cover letter to reflect the new interest?
- Do you need to informational interviews with practitioners in this area?
When you change your long-term goals, you should make sure your career strategy is in line with the change as soon as possible. Stop in and we can help!