PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE: Practice make perfect (or close to it!). It is incredibly important to take practice exams in order to prepare yourself and alleviate some of the anxiety of the unknown. Review the model answer and compare it to your own to see what issues you failed to spot or rules you failed to mention. This can teach you just as much as any other study technique.

CREATE A FINALS STUDY SCHEDULE: In order to keep yourself organized and ensure you are dedicating an adequate amount of study time to each one of your finals, create a study schedule outlining which subjects you will be studying each day and for what length of time. Without a schedule you risk dedicating too much time to one subject and forgetting about a subject that you believed you had a good grasp on and scrambling at the last second.

DON’T CRAM: This should go without saying but do NOT pull an all-nighter the night before an exam or during the exam period generally. It is incredibly important for your mind to be clear and refreshed in order to tackle exams. A couple of extra hours of studying is not worth sacrificing your mental clarity.

STAY HEALTHY: With the Flu and Covid running rampant please take care of yourself! Stay hydrated, get an appropriate amount of sleep (7 hours or more) and mask if in crowded areas to protect yourself. No one wants to take a law school final feeling less than 100%.

STAY ACTIVE: As much as you want to cram every last second of studying in during the day, take at least 30 minutes to exercise, go outside, take a walk, do yoga. Everyone needs a break and it will leave you feeling refreshed.