WashULaw’s Summer Public Interest Funding Program – Class of 2019

If your summer plan includes finding a meaningful internship in the public interest or government sectors, CCD would like to assist you towards that goal!  As you may know, the Law School offers summer public interest funding for 2Ls through a competitive process (an external committee reviews applications and makes determinations for funding).  An info session just for 2Ls will be held on Thursday, February 1st from 12:00 – 1:00 pm (AB 305) to give you an overview of the program and answer your questions.

In the meantime, consider scheduling an appointment with a CCD Strategist to help you find and apply for summer positions of interest to you.  We can also assist you with your application for the summer funding!  Apply here any time before March 18th.

Questions?  Contact Ari Moore at ariane.moore@wustl.edu or stop in the CCD Office.