The Consumer Protection Division of the Office of the Attorney General of Maryland (“CPD”) will be participating again this upcoming summer in the Janet D.Steiger Fellowship Project, which is funded by a $6,000 grant (subject to taxes and other deductions) from the ABA.   The deadline for law students to apply is November 27.

about the Fellowship and the upcoming deadline.  Thank you.

The Janet D. Steiger Fellowship

            I am writing to inform you about the American Bar Association’s Janet D. Steiger Fellowship Project, in case you are unaware of it, and to request inclusion of the Project in your clerkship listings for the summer of 2024.  The Steiger Fellowship Project honors the memory of the late Janet D. Steiger, who served as Chair of the FTC from 1989 to 1995.  The Fellowship provides law students an opportunity to serve as summer law clerks in consumer protection divisions of state Attorney General offices.  The ABA’s Section of Antitrust funds the Project by providing grants enabling the Fellows to be paid a stipend, which currently is $6,000 less taxes and other deductions.  The Project is a past winner of the ABA’s Meritorious Service Award.

Maryland’s Steiger Fellow

            The Consumer Protection Division of the Office of the Attorney General of Maryland (the “Division”) has participated in the Steiger Fellowship Project many times since 2008 and has been selected again to receive a Steiger Fellow during the summer of 2024.  The Fellowship with the Division lasts 10 weeks and is in our office in Baltimore, unless COVID-19 requires the Fellow to work remotely (or we may continue a hybrid arrangement).  After taxes and other deductions, the net amount of the stipend has been roughly $5,500.

Steiger Application

            The application deadline is Monday, November 27, 2023.  Interested students should submit an application and other required documents to the ABA (not our office) according to the ABA’s application instructions.  Here is a link to the Steiger Fellowship Project webpage, which includes a link to the 2024 student application: Students selected to be interviewed by our office will be interviewed in January – February.