The Beverly Hills Immigration lawyers at the Law Offices of Joshua L. Goldstein, P.C. works with clients from all over California but we have a particular fondness for our Beverly Hills clients given their often unique situation.  We are pleased to announce our 2018 “Beverly Hills Immigration Lawyers Scholarship 2018”.  Our goal is to offer a scholarship to a foreign born student, or child of a foreign born student (with or without lawful status) to help pay for education costs.

We feel the need to help promote the leaders in the community we serve and by helping to provide financial support we’re supporting the future leaders of the community we’re dedicated to serve.  We are particularly encouraging applicants from students without traditional sources of financial assistance including, undocumented immigrants, DACA recipients, and students currently in the green card application process.  We will be giving out the $1,000 Scholarship by the end of 2018 after our review of scholarship applications is complete.


  • Submitting a completed application using the form below
  • Be included in one of the following categories: 1. Foreign born student who now resides in the US or 2. US born student whose parents originated from another country.
  • Proof of Enrollment or future enrollment in Post-High School education (trade school, graduate school, etc).

For more information click HERE