There have been many 1L classes before you and spoiler alert…. they all have made it to the finish line. With this in mind, a few of your peers would like to share some encouraging words during this time:
“After receiving my first semester 1L grades, I was extremely disappointed. Nevertheless, I did not give up hope and continued to apply, network and interview. Despite having a rough GPA, I was able to receive multiple callback interviews and secure a Big Law summer associate position at one of my top choices. Trust the process. Grades are not all that matters!”
-3L headed to Corporate Big Law
“I entered law school with high hopes of stellar grades and smooth sailing … until my torts grade hit. It was, let’s just say, lower than I had expected. What seemed like the end of the world then is now nothing more than motivation to dig in and work harder. Your grades don’t define you, and you can reach your dreams despite that 1L grade that’s nagging at you. Reflect on your grades, but focus more on how you will kick spring semester’s butt!
I’m rooting for you!”
-3L headed to a federal clerkship
“Grades are so insignificant in comparison to all the amazing qualities and values you have as a person and a future lawyer! What employers will see and care about is your passion and dedication to this career! <3”
-2L living the dream
“I worked harder than I ever had my first semester, but I ended up falling well below the grades I hoped for—I thought maybe law school was a big mistake. But, then I realized, those grades were only a benchmark—an opportunity to challenge myself to work smarter, to set clearer goals and checkpoints, and change my approach to help me remember my grades did not define my value or potential as a person. I constantly reminded myself this was only the beginning of something better, I had to trust myself and know my worth.”
-A 3L who once wanted to drop out but is now headed to a top Big Law firm
If you take away one thing from your grades today, let it be this: you survived your first semester in law school at WashULaw. You are surrounded by some of the brightest minds in the legal field and you should feel very accomplished no matter what your exam results are. Easier said than done, I know. You are going to feel pressured to compare your grades with your friends, and I highly recommend you don’t. Let me let you in on a little secret: I got a B- in a class that I thought I aced my first semester. I was even more devastated when a friend told me they got an A+ in that same course. Guess what? Both of us are heading to our dream jobs in a few months, both in BigLaw. (Also, Elena Kagen got a B- her 1L year… not comparing myself to Justice Kagen, but there is another data point for you.)
You survived the hardest semester of law school. If you got the grades you wanted, congratulations! That is fantastic. If you’re disappointed, I promise you shouldn’t be. You might or might not get the job you want your 1L summer or even your 2L summer. As long as you continue to improve and stay positive, you go to a school where opportunities will find you if you put the work in and use the resources you have at your disposal. Your goal is to land your dream job when you graduate, and you have plenty of time to do so. Your work ethic got you this far; let it continue to propel you forward as you start this next semester and work to get better at law school. The learning curve is HUGE, especially if you came into law school with zero legal exposure like me. Give yourself a break, you’ve earned it. And after that, get back to work and go conquer this next semester. I’m rooting for you!
– 3L going to Big Law