The legal department of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (New York Fed) will be conducting a Summer Law Clerk Program in 2020.  The ten-week paid Summer Law Clerk Program is open only to first-year law students.  As the program is highly competitive and class size is limited, we are seeking applicants who possess outstanding academic records, evidence of strong research and writing skills, relevant work experience, an interest in and commitment to public sector employment, maturity, and personal achievement.  Applications will be accepted at any time on or after December 1, 2019 via the FRBNY website (link below), and because positions will be filled on a rolling basis beginning in January, students are encouraged to submit their applications as early as possible.  No applications will be accepted after February 29, 2020. 

The New York Fed prides itself on its commitment to a diverse and inclusive environment for all employees.  We actively encourage diverse candidates to pursue employment opportunities with us. 

Applicants should apply at: and include a cover letter, résumé, and transcript.  Undergraduate transcripts are acceptable if first-semester law school grades are not yet available.  Please note that this application website will be updated and begin accepting applications on December 1, 2019.  Applicants generally must be available for in-Bank interviews to be conducted during the months of January, February, and March 2020.  Certain limited exceptions may be made for remote interviews via Skype or videoconference.