Applications are Now Open for Summer 2020 Global Public Interest Law Internships in Africa…Latin America, SE Asia, Europe
Dear students:
Applications are now open for summer 2020 Global Public Interest Law Internships. Over 200 WU students have interned over the past 18 summers (and occasional semesters) with legal aid offices, human rights agencies, and courts in Africa, and to a lesser degree in Latin America, Asia, and Europe, providing free legal services to low-income clients and client communities. We are excited to continue the Global Public Interest Law Fellows program again in summer 2020. (Upper class WU students may intern overseas in the summer through the Dagen-Legomsky fellowship program or for a semester through the International Justice & Conflict Resolution semester externship course.)
If you are interested in doing a global public interest law internship this coming summer, please send a resume and a detailed statement of interest asap to Professor Tokarz at . Sooner is better; acceptance will be via rolling admissions.
Your statement should highlight:
- your interest in doing public interest law work (past, present, future);
- your reasons for wanting to work in Africa, or Latin America, Asia, Europe, … including your course work, travel, or other experiences in your target country or region or with issues relevant to your target country or region, such as racism, HIV/AIDS, conflict resolution, poverty, land redistribution, public health, environment, women and children;
- the agency (or type of agency) and the type of work (direct legal aid v. human rights capacity building) in which you are interested, and why (you can rank order your choices);
- your experience in teamwork and collaboration;
- the name of your Legal Practice instructor or another faculty member who knows you; and the name of at least one prior Global Fellow with whom you connected before submitting your application (even if they did not intern in your target country), e.g., Lonnie Lucas, Michael Moore, Auriel Kirkland, Caroline Basler, Megan Ferguson (South Africa); Ryan Lantry (Chile); Dylan Davis (Italy); Shelley Stewart (Ghana); Xin Miao, Robin Liu, Cheng Lyu (China).
As you may know, the school provides summer public interest stipends for all rising 2L students. The International Office also provides a travel stipend for those who go overseas through this program. For those who were unable to make the informational meeting, see attached brochure for additional information:
PS Please connect with the Career Center in the near future to schedule your first Recruiting Strategy meeting by January 31. You will work closely with the Career Center throughout spring semester to plan your 2L summer job search. You must prepare early to ensure that you maximize your experience as a Global Summer Public Interest Fellow for your 2L summer job search.