Dear Class of 2021,
You have made it through the first four weeks of your 1L year and you are doing great so far! The challenges of law school are unique and can be overwhelming, but remember you are not alone, and you are surrounded by a community that truly wants to help you succeed. I invite you to take advantage of all of the resources that WashULaw has to help you do well (trust me it makes a difference).
One of the fantastic resources that you have at your disposal are 2L and 3L Peer Academic Advisors. We faced the challenges of being a 1L not too long ago and we remember the 2Ls and 3Ls that helped us overcome those challenges so that we could succeed, so let us help you! You can meet with one of us one-on-one during our weekly office hours to ask about ANYTHING. You can ask us about your case briefing method, cold calls, office hours, outlining, or just because you want to come make a 2L or 3L friend. You do not have to wait until you feel extremely overwhelmed or feel that you are struggling with something to come speak with us. Please come to us with any questions that you may have and remember you are doing great!
Please come visit me during my office hours on Wednesdays from 4:00PM to 6:00PM in Room 202.
Lili Ramirez