Want to prepare for your Mock Interview? Here are a few tips for BEFORE and AFTER.

BEFORE the mock:
1) Become familiar with your resume.
2) Review types of Common interview questions
3) Know why you have chosen to interview with a firm, public interest or government organization.
4) Prepare a question or 2 for your interviewer about their firm or organization. Think about things you are actually interested in knowing.

AFTER the mock:
1) Make a quick note about how you felt during your interview; including things you felt you did well; things you want to work on. Keep this in a safe place.
2) Send a thank-you email to your interviewer within 24 hours.
3)    Schedule an appointment with Director of Professional Development, Kim Bolourtchi, to get more feedback or interview practice before OCI.

Also, make sure to attend: Executive Presence: What to Wear for valuable tips on how to make an immediate, positive impression and avoid costly mistakes.