Are you considering an international summer (or semester) internship?  You may have some questions:

  • What would my internship experience include?
  • What type of legal skills will I develop?
  • What is the cost?
  • What impact will my work have in the country I visit or from a global perspective?

Are you considering studying abroad?

  • What type of courses can I take?
  • Will they be taught in English?
  • What is the cost?
  • How will I apply and interview for jobs if I am abroad?

Assistant Dean Peter Cramer, Career Strategist, Jim Guest, prior students who have interned or studied abroad (Anton Crayniy (2L), Andrew Boytos (2L), Riane Lenzner-White (2L)), and I will be available to answer your questions about study abroad and international summer internships this Thursday, November 2nd from 12-1 pm in AB Room 306.   

We hope to see you there!