Fall OCI Session 2a – Bid deadline 9:00 p.m. (CDT) Sunday, August 28


To participate in the On Campus Interview Program: All you need is your Washington University Law WUSTL Key, no need to register

  1. Go to the WashU Symplicity Web site: https://shibboleth-law-wustl-csm.symplicity.com/sso/.


  1. Go to the Symplicity “OCI”
  2. Select “Fall 2016 OCI Session 2a” from the Session from the drop down menu and view the list of employers.
  3. Click on the “Review” button beside each employer name to place your bids.
  4. Select the correct resume, cover letter, transcript, etc. to attach to your bid from the drop down menus.
  5. Click on the “Apply” button to submit your bid for that employer. (NOTE: Symplicity will not allow you to bid for an employer unless you have uploaded all documents required by that employer.)  If the “Apply” button does not appear, you are missing documents required by the employer.


Employers in Session 2:

  • Deloitte Tax LLP (St. Louis) 2L, 3L, 3L Tax LLM
  • Hodges Loizzi (Arlington Heights) 2L
  • Leverage Law Group (Leawood, KS) 3L
  • McLane Middleton (New Hampshire) 2L
  • von Briesen &Roper (Milwaukee) 2L
  • Navy JAGC  2L & 3L