Not everyone wants to interview for those Big Law jobs. You have done some self assessment and you have decided that it is not for you, but at thisnow everyone seems to be interviewing and it is making you a little panicky.
Know the timelines:
Small Firms: They hire as needed. The key is to be on their radar! Offer to do project work for them throughout your 2L and 3L year. You can even do this remotely. Reach out with articles specific to their practice area. Look for more small firms to think about hiring in late spring and summer.
Government: Know the deadlines. Some are very early and some are very late. Be sure you check the Government Honors & Internship Handbook and Public Policy Handbook.
Public Interest: Again, the deadlines are not always clear. Some are early and some are late. Know that the EJW Fellowship Applications are due September 16, 2016 for post-graduate work. This year there is strong interest from St. Louis Area sponsors about veteran focused projects. Some organizations are waiting on budgets and hiring is last minute. Some organizations have strict deadlines. Identify a few volunteer opportunities that will help build your resume and make your commitment to public interest evident.
Here are a few ideas to keep your job search moving forward:
- Join a section of the local bar. For example if you want a small firm practice in Missouri you should be a student member of the Solo and Small Firm Committee. If you are interested in labor & employment law in Dallas, you should join the Labor and Employment Law Section. Are you not sure where to look? We can help.
- Once you have joined a section, start to reach out to the members to ask for a 15 minute informational meeting and find out how you can be more involved.
- Check to find organizations that may be a good fit for you. Contact them about informational meetings and how to get involved.
- Make a spreadsheet of people you want to meet and organizations or firms that interest you. Check each organization for hiring deadlines and timeline.
- Consider judicial clerkships. Create your profile on OSCAR. Consider state clerkships also. We can help!