Image result for NBA’s 2020 Damali Booker 1L Minority Job Fair

The NBA’s 2020 Damali Booker 1L Minority Job Fair will be held on Saturday, February 1, 2020, in Nashville, Tennessee.  This event will begin with a reception for all candidates, participating employers & members of the Nashville Bar on Friday, January 31, 2020 at 5:30 p.m. at the Waller law firm, 511 Union Street, Suite 2700, Nashville, TN 37219. We would greatly appreciate your assistance with our effort to recruit aspiring diverse attorneys who desire to pursue a summer clerkship and professional career in Nashville. 

A list of participating employers will be posted on the NBA website in mid-December for the students to review; Job Fair.

Interested students should return the following documents (found at Job Fair) : Student Registration form, Student Interview Rankings form, Cover Letter (explaining the interest or connection to practicing law in Nashville), Current Resume, Short Writing Sample, and both undergraduate & law school transcripts (unofficial transcripts are accepted). These materials should be emailed to, no later than January 10, 2020.

If the student would prefer to send the information by mail, the address is:
Nashville Bar Association
Attn: Traci Hollandsworth
150 Fourth Ave, North, Suite 1050
Nashville, TN  37219

Many area employers begin their recruiting process well before they conduct on-campus interviews, and many others do not interview at law schools.  Therefore, it is extremely important that the students adhere to the scheduling deadlines to be considered for the program.