Commencement 2018: Severe Weather Plan
Severe Weather Plan – School of Law
This information is subject to change so please check back frequently. UPDATES will be posted when available.
The University ceremony will remain in the Brookings Quadrangle even during heavy rain and inclement weather. In the event of severe weather, you will need to follow the instructions below. Information is subject to change.
The instructions below apply only if the Commencement Committee activates the Severe Weather Plan.
If Washington University adopts the Severe Weather plan at 7 a.m. on Friday, the University-wide Ceremony will convert to an undergraduate only ceremony. Due to space constraints, Law School students and their guests will not attend.
Law Students will be notified if the Severe Weather plan goes into effect via, the Law School homepage on the website and digital signage in the law school building (AB Hall). Law Students and their guests may also check the Washington University homepage and listen to local TV and radio news broadcasts.
In the event of severe weather, the Law School class photos will be rescheduled for 10:45 a.m. and JD, LLM, JSD, & MJS graduates will proceed to Anheuser-Busch Hall, Crowder Courtyard for a indoor photo.
If the University Ceremony is changed to an undergraduate only ceremony, the Law School Recognition Ceremony starting time may be delayed. The ceremony will, however, remain in the WUSTL Athletics Complex, Varsity Gym. Please consult the Law School home page and this site for any updates concerning time changes in the event of the Severe Weather Plan is activated.
The University Commencement ceremony will be available for streaming online at http://commencement.wustl.edu, as well as the other locations on campus. Click here to learn more.
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Questions? Contact
Beverly Owens| by email: owensb@wustl.edu | by phone: 314.935.6482