In January 2019, Professor 
Brian Tamanaha delivered 

two lectures at the Uppsala 
University Faculty of Law 
in Sweden. In April 2019, 
Professor Tamanaha 
delivered the Keynote 
Address for the Certificate in 
Rule of Law, sponsored by 

In August 2018, Professor 
Andrew Tuch gave 

a presentation on 
The Remaking of Wall 
at the University 
of Sydney School of 
Law in Australia. The 
presentation examined 
recent changes in 
financial markets,




       firms, and regulations 

since the financial crisis of 2007-09. Professor Tuch 
considered the implications of these post-crisis changes 
for regulatory reform, the popular backlash against Wall 
Street, and the incidence of financial misconduct. 

In June 2019, Professor 

Karen Tokarz visited the first law 

school clinic in Lesotho with a colleague from Boston 
University Law School. Professor Tokarz coordinates 
Washington University's Global Public Interest Law 
Fellows program, which places WashULaw students as 
legal interns with Legal Aid and other NGOs in South 
Africa and elsewhere for 8-10 weeks in the summer.  
In addition to South Africa, this program has placed 
interns in Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Chile, China, the 
Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ghana, India, Italy, 
Kenya, Rwanda, and Somalia. Over 200 interns have 
been placed overseas since the program began in 2002.

Prof. Karen Tokarz (left) visiting the first law school clinic in Lesotho

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USAID New Justice Program, at Yaroslav Mudryi National 
Law University in Kharkiv, Ukraine, and delivered a lecture 
on Legal Education at Ukrainian Catholic University Law 
School in Kiev, Ukraine.  

In June 2019, Professor Tamanaha presented a paper at the 
Institute for Justice and spoke at a conference on the rule 
of law at the University of Madrid, Spain. In August 2019, he 
delivered the Keynote Address at the Annual Conference 
of Judges in Yap, the Federated States of Micronesia. In 
December 2020, Professor Tamanaha will deliver a Keynote 
Address at the Annual Conference of Asian Law and Society 
Association in Kobe, Japan. Professor Tamanaha was also 
awarded the IVR Book Prize by the World Congress of the 
Philosophy of Law for the best book on legal philosophy 
published in 2017-18, in Lucerne, Switzerland.

In December 2018, Dean 

Nancy Staudt and Associate Deans 

Gail Boker and Michael Koby expanded the Law School's 

global connection in the Middle East with a visit to Jordan, 
Kuwait, Oman, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. 
During their visit, they met with law school officials, bar 
associations, and WashULaw alumni at many of the region's 
top law schools.

Prof. Brian Tamanaha

WashULaw leadership at the Kuwait Bar Association in Kuwait City 

Prof. Andrew Tuch