Commencement 2018: Schedule and Map


Friday, May 18, 2018

The information is subject to change so please check back frequently. UPDATES will be posted when available.

1.  7:40 am | Law School Photo
Being late means not being pictured.
WHERE: AB Hall, Outside 3rd Floor Entrance
GRADUATION APPAREL: Wear Gown and Hood. Carry the Hat in your hands.

2.  8:10 am | Washington University Ceremony Assembly
All students are expected to participate.
WHERE: Students gather on the east side of Olin (see Assembly Point & Procession Order Map)
Family and Guests will be seated in Guest Seating

GRADUATION APPAREL: Wear Gown, Wear Hood, and Wear Hat
Graduates should line up in front of or behind the person with whom they wish to sit – not side-by-side

3.  8:30 am | Washington University Ceremony
All students are expected to participate.
WHERE: Brookings Quadrangle
GRADUATION APPAREL: Wear Gown, Wear Hood, and Wear Hat

Ceremony: (The program begins with the Commencement address, followed by the presentation and conferral of degrees. This is done by school. You will not receive your diploma.) Ends approx 10:45 a.m.
Recession: (All graduates will recess from the Quadrangle under the direction of the Commencement marshals.)
Law Graduates should quickly exit and proceed to the Athletics Complex to line up for the Law School ceremony. More information will be available during the Mandatory Training Sessions.

4.  10:45 am | Law School Ceremony Assembly
All students are expected to participate.
WHERE: Athletics Complex
BRING: Bring Line-Up Number
GRADUATION APPAREL: Wear Gown, Wear Hood, and Wear Hat)

There is very little time between the University Ceremony and the Law School Ceremony, so please head directly to the sidewalk behind Fraternity Row to enter the Varsity Gym and report to your spot in the line-up area.

5.  11:30 am (approximately) | Law School Recognition Ceremony
WHERE: Athletics Complex, Varsity Gym (2nd level down, follow signs)
GRADUATION APPAREL: Wear Gown, Wear Hood, and Wear Hat

The procession for this ceremony will begin at 11:30 am, and it is vital that you have reported to the line-up area and are in the proper spot in the procession to ensure you cross the stage in the expected order. 

6.  12:30 pm | Law School Reception
WHERE: Anheuser-Busch Hall | Crowder Courtyard (3rd floor) and Janite Lee Reading Room (4th floor)
Graduates, family, and guests are welcome.

12:30 pm – 2:00 pm | Diploma Pickup
WHERE: Law Library, 4th floor, Circulation Desk

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